Tiny Toon Full Game Download For Pc

  1. Tiny Toon Adventures Game Download For Pc
  2. Tiny Toon Full Game Download For Pc Windows 7
  3. Tiny Toon Full Game Download For Pc

I am going to start by stating that Tiny Toon Adventures Busters Hidden Treasure is one of the best platform games on the Sega Genesis! When most people talk about Tiny Toon games, the SNES one made by Konami gets all the attention. However, I feel that Sega got a game that is just as good. If you like platform games, you are in for an absolute treat with this one here.

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Give Me Back That Map Max!

The story of the game is fun and like something you would have seen on the TV shows. At the start of Tiny Toon Adventures Busters Hidden Treasure, Buster finds a map, but it gets stolen by Montana Max. Max has that dastardly, Dr. Gene Splicer brainwash Buster’s friends to help him get the treasure!

Tiny Toon Full Game Download For Pc

Like A Cartoon

I will admit that side by side, the visuals of this game are not quite as good as what the Tiny Toon game on the SNES offered. However, this is still a fantastic looking game. They have captured the look and feel of the show incredibly well. All of the characters are here and as well as looking great the characters all have these little animations that really do bring them to life.

The level design is also amazing. There are eight stages in the game and each one has its own theme and style. Ranging from lava to ice! A great deal of imagination went into this game and many of the areas feel like they could have been ripped right out of the show. As well as the looks, Tiny Toon Adventures Busters Hidden Treasure has an awesome soundtrack that fits the wacky action very well.

Three Buttons, One Magic Control Scheme

This is a great looking and sounding game. However, it is also one of the best platformers around! You have a jump, slide, and a help button and that is it. The controls are damn near perfect and the game plays like a hybrid of Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario World! The reason I say this is because Buster can pick up some real speed like Sonic. Yet the levels are full of secrets so you are encouraged to go and explore as you would in a Mario game.While you may think that this is just a kid’s game and it will be very easy. The fact of the matter is this is quite a challenging game. It is not just the fact it is challenging that I like, it is a fair challenge. Each level has multiple stages and a boss battle and some of the bosses will take more than a few tries to beat.

I thought that Tiny Toon Adventures Busters Hidden Treasure was a great game when it was first released and I still feel that way now. It is just a joy to play. It is a game that is going to challenge your platforming skills, but you will be having a great time all the while you play it. I do feel that if I had to pick between this and Buster Busts Loose on the SNES, the SNES game would get my pick. That though does not mean this is a bad game, far from it. If I had to do a top 20 platform games of the 16-bit era, this game would be on it and perhaps even in the top 10!

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Final Score


  • It captures the wackiness of the show very well
  • All of the characters have lots of animation
  • It is like a mix of Sonic and Mario
  • The soundtrack is from the show
  • The game is one of the best Genesis platformers


  • It is not quite as good as the SNES Tiny Toons game
  • Sometimes Buster can run a tad too fast!
Overall rating: 9

About Nintendo Entertainment System (NES ROMs)

The 80-90s kids do know Nintendo Entertainment and the NES gaming system that it presented back then. It didn’t take much time for the novelty to gain crazy popularity and to reach the record high sixty million of sold products over the whole period of its existence. The very first unit of NES saw the world in 1983 in Japan, where it was called Famicom. It only got to American customer in two years and to the European - in 3 years after the original release.

Tiny Toon Adventures Game Download For Pc

The unheard popularity of Nintendo is not only about its “one-of-the-kind” effect. No, it was indeed a very successful project along with the games it introduced. For example, take a look at Super Mario Bros (by the way, Mario will later become an official symbol of Nintendo) - the game itself is fun, uncomplicated, challenging and well-made. The level of its popularity now and then can be compared to that of Titanic or Matrix in the cinema realm. There is virtually nothing that even a modern gamer would like to add. As we will mention in another article, Nintendo tended to stick to cartridges at the time competitors have moved to more practical and efficient CDs. Instead, they chose to make their cartridges easy to switch and their consoles - powered with good sound and graphics. Even though, there will follow plenty of improved versions, the original console was and still is much to be praised for.

Tiny Toon Full Game Download For Pc Windows 7

By 2003, the consoles of Nintendo have reached the peak popularity. Sure enough, this came with some drawbacks - the emergence of a number of unlicensed versions that were spread and sold by dubious companies. No matter what, it didn’t have much negative effect on provider’s reputation. With no doubt, Nintendo occupies a visible spot in the list of gaming consoles manufacturers. Even today, you can still feel the vibes of retro gaming if you download NES emulator ROMs on our site. With the help of a proper emulator soft, you basically turn your phone or computer into a full-fledge console! Having it installed, simply download and run all NES ROMs you can find online.

Most popular NES ROMs

Remember how we all used to be crazy about the Super Mario Bros? Well, you can play it today if you want to. It only takes to find Super Mario NES ROMs and download an emulation program. We recommend playing this game on a laptop or a PC since it is more similar to the original console. Still, phone users can as well enjoy all the best NES ROMs that they can see on this page. Some other games that you mustt have heard of are Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Zelda - The Legend Of Zelda, Contra, Super Mario Bros 2, Kirby's Adventure, Legend Of Pokemon, The (Hack), Super Mario Bros 3, Mega Man, etc.

Tiny Toon Full Game Download For Pc

If you are looking for good NES ROMs for Android, we personally recommend the Time Conquest and Ski or Die. These games definitely won’t leave you unoccupied whether you are commuting to work or standing in a queue. A good thing is that you can now download a whole NES ROMs pack or a NES ROMs pack zip file with all the favorite games in one place. On client demand, we have also separated NES no intro ROMs into a separate section. You can have no doubts about whether to download NES ROMs from our site or not because we check each file for viruses and malware to make sure your device and operating system are safe and sound. If you decide to download NES ROMs from any other site, do check it well for reliability - there are plenty of sites that spread malware and spyware making you download it instead of the file you searched for. Check out the full list of super NES ROMs that we selected for you.