Create A Quiz Program In Java

Here you will get the online quiz system project in JSP (Java). Few days back my college organized a tech fest. There was a coding competition event in that fest. Total hands-on programming experience. All core Java object-oriented concepts covered. Every concept explained with the help of a program. Mini-project at the end which covers a lot of object oriented concepts. Requires 2-3 hours of your time. I believe you will enjoy this course and make the most of it.

  1. Create A Quiz Program In Javascript
  2. Create A Quiz Program In Java Programming

A unit test in Java gives the developer the opportunity to test an object. For example, you might want to verify that a Person object contains the expected person name or perhaps the correct email address. In addition, you may want to verify that a property is not null.

The most common way to write unit tests in Java is to use JUnit, a free, open source unit-testing Java application. To learn how to write a unit test in Java, follow these seven steps.

  1. First, you need to download JUnit 4.8.2. In your browser, go to this page on and click junit.jar. Another web page will be displayed.
  2. Click the jar option for junit 4.8.2. This action will start the download of junit-4.8.2.jar to your computer.
  3. Now you will write the program that contains the JUnit tests. Open your text editor and type in the following statements:
    The @BeforeClass annotation marks a method that will be called by JUnit one time before the tests are performed. The @AfterClass annotation marks a method that will be called once after the tests have been run. The @Test annotations mark the tests that will be executed by JUnit. Two tests are included in the program. The first test will verify that the first name has been successfully set to 'Stephen'. This test will succeed at runtime. The second test will assert that the last name is not null. This test will fail at runtime because although the Person object has been instantiated, the last name has not been set.
  4. Save your file as
  5. Copy junit-4.8.2.jar to the directory that contains your Java program.
  6. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory containing your Java program. Then type in the command to compile the source using the classpath compiler option and hit Enter.
  7. Type in the command to run the JUnit test runner using your program and hit Enter.
    The output indicates one test failed with an AssertionError exception. The name of the failing method and the program name are displayed in the output.

See the Pen Simple JavaScript Quiz by Yaphi (@yaphi1) on CodePen.

To make a simple JavaScript quiz, there are four steps:

The point of this tutorial is to make the simplest possible JavaScript quiz without any external code needed.

We'll also avoid animations, excessive styles, and anything else that will distract from the JavaScript quiz.

A Quick Note Before You Start:

This tutorial assumes a basic understanding of JavaScript. If you're not there yet, I've put together a JavaScript road map to get you comfortable with practical concepts quickly.

Step 1: Set up the structure

First, we'll create divs to hold our quiz and our results.

Then we'll put in a submit button.

Here's the HTML:

Next, we'll create a function to generate a quiz.

Your function will need these inputs:

  • The quiz questions
  • A place to put the quiz
  • A place for the results
  • A submit button

And if you put those things in, the function should spit out a fully-formed quiz.

The JavaScript structure:

If you look closely at the JavaScript structure, you'll see that our generateQuiz function contains helper functions to show the quiz, accept submissions, and show the results.

Step 2: Show the questions

First we'll need the questions, so put this in your JavaScript:

Next we'll need a way to show our questions.

For this, we'll fill out our showQuestions function.

The general idea:
For each question, show the question along with all of its answer choices. Read through the comments in this code to see how it works.

Once that's ready, you can run the function like this:

Note that in this line, the questions and quizContainer values will come from your generateQuiz function.

The nice part about our code is that it works for any number of questions or answer choices you might have in your JavaScript quiz.

Step 3: On submit, show the results

We'll need to fill out our showResults function to show the results of our quiz.

Here's how our JavaScript logic will look:

  • For each question, find the selected answer
  • If the answer is correct, respond accordingly
  • If the answer is wrong, respond accordingly
  • Show the number of correct answers out of the total

And here's the JavaScript to show the results of our quiz:

In the line that says '//find selected answer', we did a little trick. We used the operator, which means 'or' to basically say 'Give us the selected answer OR if there's not one, then just give us an empty object.' That way, trying to get the .value will give us undefined instead of causing an error.

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That way, the quiz won't break if someone skips a question.

Show quiz results on submit

The next step is to show quiz results when someone clicks the submit button.

The following JavaScript will make that happen:

Note that the submitButton variable comes from our original generateQuiz function as one of the parameters.

Step 4: Put it all together

Now that you have the pieces, you can generate your very own JavaScript quiz.

You have the questions in the myQuestions variable from Step 2. Now you need to let your JavaScript know which HTML elements to use for the quiz, the results, and the submit button.

Now that everything's in place, you can generate your JavaScript quiz!


Bonus: The fun part

Now that you have the basic idea of how to make a JavaScript quiz, you can try styling the elements however you want.

Sample CSS used in demo:

Create A Quiz Program In Javascript

Create A Quiz Program In Java

Create A Quiz Program In Java Programming

Feel free to change whatever you want!