Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10


As the visual representation of language, typography’s main task is to communicate information. Its style should never get in the way of that goal. In this article, we'll discuss how to style typography in your Windows app to help users understand content easily and efficiently.

However, prior to Windows 10, most of these fonts were installed by default on every system, and some were used for user interface display. Customers using particular languages are likely to require the additional fonts related to that language for documents or for user interface strings in applications that run in those languages. Hebrew cantillation is the manner of chanting ritual readings from the Hebrew Bible (or transl. Tanakh) in synagogue services.The chants are written and notated in accordance with the special signs or marks printed in the Masoretic Text of the Bible, to complement the letters and vowel points. → Open the Windows Explorer and go to C: Windows Fonts directory. → Then go to Control Panel, click on 'Fonts', click on 'Install New Fonts' and finally go to the directory where you have downloaded and extracted the font file. → Select all the fonts and click ok. This will install the required fonts. Georgian Fonts Georgian BPG Fonts. Hebrew Fonts at Fontlibrary. Thai Fonts at Fontlibrary. WAZU JAPAN's Gallery of Unicode Fonts Devanagari Fonts at Fontlibrary. Indic-script, Arabic-like, Hangul, Hebrew, Thai/Lao, Tibetan, Khmer, Myanmar. OpenType Shaping Documents.


You should use one font throughout your app's UI, and we recommend sticking with the default font for Windows apps, Segoe UI. It's designed to maintain optimal legibility across sizes and pixel densities and offers a clean, light, and open aesthetic that complements the content of the system.

To display non-English languages or to select a different font for your app, please see Languages and Fonts for our recommended fonts for Windows apps.

Don't mix multiple fonts.

Size and scaling

Font sizes in UWP apps automatically scale on all devices. The scaling algorithm ensures that a 24 px font on Surface Hub 10 feet away is just as legible as a 24 px font on 5' phone that's a few inches away.

Because of how the scaling system works, you're designing in effective pixels, not actual physical pixels, and you shouldn't have to alter font sizes for different screens sizes or resolutions.

Use a font size smaller than 12 px.


Users rely on visual hierarchy when scanning a page: headers summarize content, and body text provides more detail. To create a clear visual hierarchy in your app, follow the Windows type ramp.

Type ramp

The Windows type ramp establishes crucial relationships between the type styles on a page, helping users read content easily. All sizes are in effective pixels and are optimized for UWP apps running on all devices.

Using the type ramp

You can access levels of the type ramp as XAML static resources. The styles follow the *TextBlockStyle naming convention shown here.

Use 'Body' for most text.

Use 'Base' for titles when space is constrained.

Use 'Caption' for primary action or any long strings.

Use 'Header' or 'Subheader' if text needs to wrap.


The default TextAlignment is Left, and in most instances, flush-left and ragged right provides consistent anchoring of the content and a uniform layout. For RTL languages, see Adjusting layout and fonts to support globalization.

Character count

Keep to 50–60 letters per line for ease of reading.

Less than 20 characters or more than 60 characters per line is difficult to read.

Clipping and ellipses

When the amount of text extends beyond the space available, we recommend clipping text, which is the default behavior of most UWP text controls.

Clip text, and wrap if multiple lines are enabled.

Note: If containers are not well-defined (for example, no differentiating background color), or when there is a link to see more text, then use ellipses.


Segoe UI is our font for English, European languages, Greek, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, and Arabic.​ For other languages, see the following recommendations.

Globalizing/localizing fonts

Use the LanguageFont font-mapping APIs for programmatic access to the recommended font family, size, weight, and style for a particular language. The LanguageFont object provides access to the correct font info for various categories of content including UI headers, notifications, body text, and user-editable document body fonts. For more info, see Adjusting layout and fonts to support globalization.

Fonts for non-Latin languages

EbrimaRegular, BoldUser-interface font for African scripts (Ethiopic, N'Ko, Osmanya, Tifinagh, Vai).
GadugiRegular, BoldUser-interface font for North American scripts (Canadian Syllabics, Cherokee).
Leelawadee UIRegular, Semilight, BoldUser-interface font for Southeast Asian scripts (Buginese, Lao, Khmer, Thai).
Malgun GothicRegularUser-interface font for Korean.
Microsoft JhengHei UIRegular, Bold, LightUser-interface font for Traditional Chinese.
Microsoft YaHei UIRegular, Bold, LightUser-interface font for Simplified Chinese.
Myanmar TextRegularFallback font for Myanmar script.
Nirmala UIRegular, Semilight, BoldUser-interface font for South Asian scripts (Bangla, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Ol Chiki, Sinhala, Sora Sompeng, Tamil, Telugu)
SimSunRegularA legacy Chinese UI font.
Yu Gothic UILight, Semilight, Regular, Semibold, BoldUser-interface font for Japanese.


Sans-serif fonts

Sans-serif fonts are a great choice for headings and UI elements.

ArialRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, BlackSupports European and Middle Eastern scripts (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Armenian, and Hebrew) Black weight supports European scripts only.
CalibriRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Light, Light ItalicSupports European and Middle Eastern scripts (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic and Hebrew). Arabic available in the uprights only.
ConsolasRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicFixed width font that supports European scripts (Latin, Greek and Cyrillic).
Segoe UIRegular, Italic, Light Italic, Black Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Light, Semilight, Semibold, BlackUser-interface font for European and Middle East scripts (Arabic, Armenian, Cyrillic, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Latin), and also Lisu script.
SelawikRegular, Semilight, Light, Bold, SemiboldAn open-source font that's metrically compatible with Segoe UI, intended for apps on other platforms that don’t want to bundle Segoe UI. Get Selawik on GitHub.
Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10

Serif fonts

Serif fonts are good for presenting large amounts of text.

CambriaRegularSerif font that supports European scripts (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic).
Courier NewRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicSerif fixed width font supports European and Middle Eastern scripts (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Armenian, and Hebrew).
GeorgiaRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicSupports European scripts (Latin, Greek and Cyrillic).
Times New RomanRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicLegacy font that supports European scripts (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Armenian, Hebrew).

Symbols and icons

Segoe MDL2 AssetsRegularUser-interface font for app icons. For more info, see the Segoe MDL2 assets article.
Segoe UI EmojiRegular
Segoe UI SymbolRegularFallback font for symbols

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Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10-->

When you add a language pack to a Windows 10 or Windows Server image, you can also add Language Features on Demand (FODs) to enable additional functionality. To view available non-language or region-related FODs, see Available Features on Demand.

Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10 64-bit

To see how to add FODs and language packs to your Windows image, see Add languages to Windows.

Language FODs

Recommendation: Add FODs after you add a language pack. Preinstall the Basic, Fonts, Text-to-speech, Optical character recognition (OCR), and speech recognition languages you expect users in the device’s target market to need. Additionally, add the handwriting recognition FODs to devices that ship with a pen.

Language FODs are available in six types:

Ancient Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10


Not all Features on Demand are available for every language. You can learn which FODs are available for languages in the LP to FOD mapping spreadsheet.

ComponentSample package nameSample capability nameDescription
BasicMicrosoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-fr-fr-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cabLanguage.Basic~~~fr-FR~ checking, text prediction, word breaking, and hyphenation if available for the language.

You must add this component before adding any of the other language FODs.

Recommendation: Preinstall this package for each language that you've preinstalled in an image.


Note: Some languages require a font pack. For example, th-TH requires the Thai font pack.

Check the list of fonts.

OCRMicrosoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-fr-fr-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cabLanguage.OCR~~~fr-FR~ and outputs text in an image.

Recommendation: Preinstall this package for each language that you've preinstalled in an image.

Dependencies: The basic component of the same language.

Handwriting recognitionMicrosoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-fr-fr-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cabLanguage.Handwriting~~~fr-FR~ handwriting recognition for devices with pen input.

Recommendation: Preinstall for the device’s target language on any device with a touch- or pen-capable screen.

Dependencies: The basic component of the same language.

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Text-to-speechMicrosoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-fr-fr-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cabLanguage.TextToSpeech~~~fr-FR~ text to speech, used by Cortana and Narrator.

Recommendation: Preinstall this package for each language that you've preinstalled in an image.

Dependencies: The basic component of the same language.

Speech recognitionMicrosoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-fr-fr-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cabLanguage.Speech~~~fr-FR~ voice input, used by Cortana and Windows Speech Recognition.

Recommendation: Preinstall this package for each language that you've preinstalled in an image.

Dependencies: The basic and text-to-speech components of the same language.

Retail Demo experienceMicrosoft-Windows-RetailDemo-OfflineContent-Content-fr-fr-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cabLanguage.RetailDemo~~~fr-FR~

Retail Demo experience.

Recommendation: Preinstall this package for each language where you'll be selling devices on a retail showroom. Consider also preloading retail demo mode apps and content.

Dependencies: The basic component of the same languageBasic, plus the base retail demo pack: Microsoft-Windows-RetailDemo-OfflineContent-Content-Package, and the English retail demo pack: Microsoft-Windows-RetailDemo-OfflineContent-Content-en-us-Package.


When adding languages for some regions, you'll need to add fonts.

Font FODs provide additional fonts used for particular writing systems and languages. These additional fonts are not required for the Windows to display a language. However, prior to Windows 10, most of these fonts were installed by default on every system, and some were used for user interface display. Customers using particular languages are likely to require the additional fonts related to that language for documents or for user interface strings in applications that run in those languages. The capability names use script identifiers; for example, “Deva” indicates Devanagari script, which is used for Hindi, Konkani and other languages.

Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10

Recommendation: If a PC will be sold to a certain region, install that region's font (For example, th-TH should be preinstalled on devices shipping to regions with Thai language).

RegionDescriptionFont capability required
ar-SAArabic (Saudi Arabia)Language.Fonts.Arab~~~und-ARAB~
ar-SYArabic (Syria)Language.Fonts.Syrc~~~und-SYRC~
bn-BDBangla (Bangladesh)Language.Fonts.Beng~~~und-BENG~
bn-INBangla (India)Language.Fonts.Beng~~~und-BENG~
chr-Cher-USCherokee (Cherokee)Language.Fonts.Cher~~~und-CHER~
ku-Arab-IQCentral Kurdish (Arabic)Language.Fonts.Arab~~~und-ARAB~
pa-Arab-PKPunjabi (Arabic)Language.Fonts.Arab~~~und-ARAB~
sd-Arab-PKSindhi (Arabic)Language.Fonts.Arab~~~und-ARAB~
zh-CNChinese (Simplified)Language.Fonts.Hans~~~und-HANS~
zh-TWChinese Traditional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)Language.Fonts.Hant~~~und-HANT~

Additional fonts available

Free Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10

These fonts are optional and not required for any region.

Capability NameDescription
Language.Fonts.PanEuropeanSupplementalFonts~~~~ Supplemental Fonts. Includes additional fonts: Arial Nova, Georgia Pro, Gill Sans Nova, Neue Haas Grotesk, Rockwell Nova, Verdana Pro.

Other region-specific requirements

zh-TWMicrosoft-Windows-InternationalFeatures-Taiwan-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cabSupplemental support for Taiwan date formatting requirements. Package will be provided to customers located in Taiwan.Preinstall only on devices shipping to the Taiwan market. Not installing this capability on devices causes any API calls to that use the Taiwan calendar to fail.

Note that this feature is distributed as a .cab file on the Feature on Demand ISO. Use DISM /add-package to add it to your image. See Add or remove packages offline with DISM for more information.

List of all language-related Features on Demand

Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10 64

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