Guitar Hero 3 Ps3 Download Songs

For Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'How do I get custom songs?' Both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 version of Guitar Hero III feature the ability to download additional songs from the consoles' respective online stores. Most songs must be purchased in 'track packs' of three and cannot be purchased individually while only some songs are available as 'singles.' There are a number of free songs available.


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For this example, we will be adding Smooth by Santana to Guitar Hero III.

To add your own song to Guitar Hero III, you will need an MP3 or OGG file of the song you wish to add. In addition, you will also need either a chart file or MIDI file for the guitar notes. Luckily, the folks at have a library of thousands of chart files for songs.

All you need to do is register for free at their site to gain access to the library.

Once you have created your account, login and go to the custom songs section of the site:

Click “Browse database” to access the search tool. Enter the details for the song you want to search for and then click “Search Charts”. You will then be presented with a list of results like so:

The dificulty levels that the chart file supports will be highlighted in the search results (see above). E = easy, M = medium, H = hard, X = expert. If the second row of diffulty levels shown for a song are highlighted, then the chart file provides lead and bass guitar tracks. In the example above, neither chart file provides a second track, so only one player can play these. Also, the second chart file found supports all diffulty levels so we will download this one.

Once you have downloaded the chart file, save it to a location on your PC. Now we have the chart file, we need to generate a MIDI file from it. For this we will use If you have not already downloaded, download it now and extract its contents to a folder on your PC.

Open the folder and double click Chart2Mid.jar. You will be presented with the window below:

Click “Browse” and locate the chart file that you downloaded in step 2. Now click the “Guitar Hero” radio button followed by the “Convert” button. This will generate a MIDI file in the same directory as the chart file.

Load Song List Editor (as described above). Click “Insert New Song”. This will display the following dialog window:

Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter the name of the track - it must be in lower case. This is the name that Guitar Hero III uses internally to reference the track.
  2. For the Guitar, Rhythm and Song track fields, click “Browse” and locate the MP3 or OGG file for your song.
  3. Click “Browse” by the MIDI file input box and browse to the folder where you created your MIDI file in step 3.
  4. Finally, enter the details for the song as you would like them to appear in the game.

The dialog window should now look similar to the one below:

Now click “OK”. Your Guitar Hero III track will now be created. This may take a couple of minutes. The command window will show the progress of the conversion. When the conversion is complete, the message “done creating fsb” will be displayed:


Your song will now appear in the “Song list” on the left hand side of the Song List Editor window.

We now need to add the song to one of the play lists in the game. To do this, click “Edit Setlists”. You will be presented with the following dialog window:

Proceed as follows to add your song to the “Bonus Songs” play list in the game:

  1. Choose “Bonus Songs” from the set list drop down box.
  2. Increase the number of songs per tier by 1. This will add a song to the end of the list.
  3. From the song number drop down box choose the last song in the list which should now be “slowride”.
  4. From the song drop down box find the song you added in step 4 (in our case “smooth”).

You should now have something similar to the following:

Click “OK”.

Guitar Hero For Ps3

Now go to File -> Save and click “OK” when the warning message box is displayed.

Guitar Hero 3 Ps3 Download Songs Free

You are now ready to play the game!