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Answers to Prayer

A compilation of Mr. Müller's Narratives, that show in an unmistakable way, both to believers and unbelievers, the secret of believing prayer, the manifest hand of a living God, and His unfailing response, in His own time and way, to every petition..

Called Unto Holiness

'For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness' I Thessalonians 4:7.01. Oneness with Christ
02. Likeness to Christ
03. Fullness of Christ
04. Wrestlers for Christ

How to Keep Sanctified

The conflict is not over when you enter the sanctified life. The enemy within has been cast out, but sin in a thousand different forms lurks about you. To retain a pure heart requires the utmost vigilance. “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.”

Lectures to
Professing Christians

Those who make religion consist altogether in good works, overlook the fact that works themselves are not acceptable to God unless they proceed from faith.

Questions and Answers

What the Bible really says about miraculous sign gifts. Everyone has his own ideas about spiritual gifts. Who's right? God is. But we might be divided on how to discover God's 'ideas' about spiritual gifts. The Bible seems the obvious place.

The Hour of Darkness

The world is heading for the darkest hour in its entire history! Jesus Christ referred to this time as a “great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Mt. 24:21).

Messages on Pentecost

The earliest origin of the feast of Pentecost, was when it was part of Israel’s seven big feasts. In the New Testament fulfilment of these feasts, we can follow the way of salvation which starts at the cross and the first cleansing of our sins..

Patmos Letters

Patmos Letters is a collection of messages to churches and individual believers at the beginning of the third millennium after Christ. It is a reconfirmation of the timeless truths of the Bible.
There are two kinds of Christians clearly named and described in Scripture. It is of the utmostimportance that every Christian should know which kind he is and then determine which kind hewishes to be.
I have had an opportunity to witness the results of revivals in their influence over young men preparing for the ministry, over ministers themselves, over the community at large, and for years after their occurrence. I have marked with the deepest interest their rise, their progress, their temporary decline,..
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A Commentary on Revelation - A chronological study of Revelation from a premillennial and pretribulation rapture point of view.The Revelation of Jesus Christ contains prophecies on the future, Jesus Christ is the central theme of the book..
Words of God for Young Disciples of Christ. This book is specially designed for young disciples who have but recently chosen the better part, and consequently need nothing so much as just to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear His word. The supreme question at such a time is: How shall these young..

Bybel 1953

The question that is agitating the Church today is whether there is a second and distinct work of God in the soul following that of regeneration. If God has a second work or blessing for the soul, out of which Satan has cheated the Church, ought not men to know it?
Demonology has become a controversial and widely debated subject in the secular world as wellas within various churches and Christian movements. On the one hand there is the biblical account of an evil kingdom under the leadership of Satan..
The Father in heaven asks, and requires, and actually expects, that every child of His yield Him wholehearted and entire obedience, day by day, and all the day. To enable His child to do this, He has made a most abundant and altogether sufficient provision in the promise of the New Covenant..
Belief in God and belief in prayer are elemental and intuitive. The teaching of the Old Testament is full of the subject of prayer. Everywhere there are commands and inducements to pray, and the great stories of deliverance and victory, experience and vision, are all examples of prevailing prayer.
Thoughts on 'The Song of Solomon' Relating to Personal Fellowship With Christ. This little book, whose design is to lead the devout Bible student into the Green Pastures of the Good Shepherd, thence to the Banqueting House of the King,..
Many children of God are so deeply exercised on the matter of guidance that it may be helpful to give a few suggestions as to knowing the way in which our Father would have us walk, and the work He would have us do. The importance of the subject cannot be exaggerated;..
These chapters are altogether inadequate for the treatment of so vast a theme, but such as they are, they are sent forth, in dependence on the Divine Blessing, in the fervent hope that they may serve to make more clear and plain to those who would find and enter it, the Way into the Holiest of all.
The Holy Scriptures declare Him to be the revealer of all truth, the active agent in all works of redemption, and from first to last the instrument of Grace in the experience of salvation. In Him, and through Him, and by Him, is the power that saves. Illumination and Conviction, Repentance and..

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A Historical, Contemporary and Prophetic Perspective.If we wish to have the correct perspective on the problems of our time and pursue the only feasible solution to the problems which confront us, we should make a study..

Pleasure and Profit
in Bible Study

We cannot overestimate the importance of a thorough familiarity with the Bible. I try to lose no opportunity of urging people by every means in my power to the constant study of this wonderful Book.

Praise Changes Things

“Let the peoples Praise Thee, O God;Let all the peoples Praise Thee
Shall the earth yield her increase andGod, even our own God shall bless us”(Psalm 67:5,6)

The Call to
Christian Perfection

This is the gospel he preached; a gospel of present, free, universal salvation; a gospel of assured acceptance in the love of God; a gospel of complete deliverance from all inward and outward sin;..

Life on the Highest Plane

Afrikaanse Bybel Free Download

In Three Volumes
by Ruth PaxsonEvery Christian has inherited untold riches. As a child of the King and a joint heir with Christ he is a spiritual multimillionaire. But comparatively few Christians bear the marks of spiritual affluence.

What the Bible Teaches

by RA TorreyTHIS BOOK REPRESENTS years of study. The Bible is the one inexhaustible book. This work is simply an attempt at a careful, unbiased, systematic, thorough-going, inductive study and statement of biblical truth. The method of the book is rigidly inductive. The material contained in the Bible is brought together, carefully scrutinized, and then stated in the most exact terms possible.

Module Identifier, Afr Book Name, / Afrikaans Bybel. Module Type , Bible. Language, af. Module Version, (). Minimum SWORD. DIE BYBEL: Afrikaans /vertaling (Afrikaans Edition) – Kindle edition by Bible Society of South Africa. Download it once and read it on your Kindle. Download of SF__AFR_AFR_(_ AFRIKAANS BYBEL) .zip (SF__AFR_AFR_(_

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The previous “living translation” in Afrikaans was a paraphrase, but this version is a direct translation.

Die Bybel 1933/1953-vertaling

Verbly julle altyd in die Here; ek herhaal: The draft versions of the Bible books were made available on the Bible Society’s web site as PDFs, and the public was asked to comment on the translations before the final version was created. Email address subscribed successfully. After all, the Lord is coming back soon.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. As jy gebid het, hoef jy nie meer bang te wees nie. At around this time several magazines, small newspapers and other publications in Afrikaans for speakers regardless of race increasingly agreed with Pannevis. Do not forget to treat everyone nicely.

Frans Bothma marked it as bgbel Nov 22, Lizelle de Klerk is currently reading it Jun 12, And I will give you a new heart and give you a new spirit in your insides; and I will take away the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

Refresh and try again. Verbly julle altyd in die Here.

The edition also introduced copious cross-references that were present in all subsequent prints of that edition. And the peace of God that boggles the mind, will keep a watch over your hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus. The final editing of this edition was done by E. The New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs were published into mark the th anniversary of the Afrikaans language. It is a back-lash against dynamic equivalence and a return to a more literal translation the same applies to the Bible Society’s new direct translation.

August Learn how and when to remove this template message. It is practically a word-for-word translation, as it is based on the word-for-word Afrikaans text in the interlinear Bible that was published by CUM Books in Bespreek dit met Hom. This knowledge that Jesus is with you, will prevent your worries from running away with your emotions again or prevent you from starting to worry all over again.

Riette Roets rated it it was amazing Dec 30, This new direct translation fills that void. Gladden yourselves always in the Lord; I repeat: Robert Meintjes rated it it was amazing Oct 04, Laat julle vriendelikheid aan alle mense bekend word. Wees altyd gaaf en vriendelik met jou vriende en ander mense. Sometimes, we also use a cookie to keep track of your trolley contents. Return to Book Page. Erica rated it it was amazing Oct 05, Stefan Van den Berg is currently reading it Sep 08, Sy vrede sal wag hou oor julle hart en julle gedagtes omdat julle aan Christus Jesus behoort.

Direct, dynamic equivalence, first Afrikaans Bible translation project to use minority text. It was translated in the tradition of the Living Bible fromusing a language and style that is very similar to it.

Hy sal jou help. I want to say it byybel again: An edition for teenage girls in glossary magazine format was published under the name “Glans”.

Bible translations into Afrikaans – Wikipedia

No trivia or quizzes yet. Shane is currently byble it Dec 16, Moenie bang wees dat Hy jou ooit sal vergeet nie. Moet oor niks besorg wees nie, maar maak in alles julle begeertes deur gebed en smeking en met danksegging aan God bekend.

Jesus is mos jou goeie Vriend.

Download adobe flash cs3 portable for mac. Wees altyd vrolik en bly, want jy is Jesus se kind. The Lord is near. You will not always be able to explain this relieved feeling or give a scientific explanation for it. Before his death in Du Toit was working on a translation of the Gospel of Luke. Lisi rated it it was amazing Jan 19, The publisher of several of these decided in that an Afrikaans Bible translation must be made, and in commissioned SJ du Toit to start the translations.

The edition contained a number of small changes and changes to the spelling of names. Let your friendliness become known to all people.

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