Diablo 2 Inventory Mod

To check qlvl of items, check and unique/set items (There might be slight differences between the website and Tchernobog) OR use Technoborg bot on discord - his data is always up to date. New Boss modifier - greedy - monster drops additional 3 items and all items are dropped with magic find increased by 1000. This mod on hard mode isn't hard, it is near impossible on a small server. I guess the author decided: 'Well, wild it does 500k damage, tamed and leveled with 400 levels, it can do 180k, and it's health is less than half of the wild variant. Feb 19, 2021 Project Diablo 2 is simple in conception but complex in execution. A group of fans has set about imbuing the old game with 20 years’ worth of fixes and improvements to bring it into the modern.

The Butcher

Start: Speak with Ogden then go at the northern point of town at the Cathedral's entrance and speak with the Wounded Townsman.
Task: Search Cathedral Level 2 for a room painted red with the blood of dead townspeople. Remember it's location for a future quest.
End: When the Butcher is defeated.

- Unique axe The Butcher's Cleaver (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare axe (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 1 and return in town to speak with Pepin.
Task: Search Cathedral Level 2 for an entrance into the Water Passage, where you must defeat Rammaq the Poisoner and all foes.
End: After the water turns from yellow to blue, return to town and speak again with Pepin.

- Unique ring Ring of Truth (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare ring (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

The Butcher's Chamber

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 2 and return in town to speak with Wirt. (read backwards)
Task: Search Cathedral Level 2 for a bloody room, cast Town Portal inside, go in a portal to Butcher's Chamber and face the Butcher.
End: When the Butcher is defeated.

- None (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 2 and return in town to speak with Ogden.
Task: Search Cathedral Level 3 for an entrance into King Leoric's Tomb, and enter the Skeleton King's Lair to face him and his army.
End: After the Skeleton King is defeated, return to town and speak again with Ogden.

- Unique head gear The Undead Crown (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare head gear (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Ogden's Sign

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 4 and return in town to speak with Ogden. (OR find and speak with Snotspil on Cathedral Level 4)
Task: Search Cathedral Level 4 for a square room with a few Overlords. Inside there is a chest, open it and pick up the Tavern's Sign.
End: Return to town and take Tavern's Sign back to Ogden. (OR take the sign to Snotspil, thou this way you forfeit the quest's reward)

- Unique head gear Harlequin Crest (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare head gear (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 4 and return in town to speak with Griswold.
Task: Search Catacombs Level 5 for a pedestal with The Magic Rock on it. Approach and touch it to pick up The Magic Rock.
End: Return to town and take The Magic Rock to Griswold.

- Unique ring Empyrean Band (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare ring (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Gharbad the Weak

Start: Enter Cathedral Level 4 and search for a goatman, Gharbad the Weak, to speak with.
Task: After 1st speech, move 1 screen away and return for 2nd speech. Then again move 1 screen away and return for final speech.
End: When Gharbad the Weak is defeated.

- Random stuff after 2nd speech + Rare item when he is defeated (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 5 and return in town to speak with Pepin.
Task: The house in the southern point of town is now accessible and needs to be cleared of poisonous vipers that took refuge there.
End: After Warmaggot The Mad is defeated, return to town and speak again with Pepin.

- 5 spendable Attribute Points (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)


Abbyy finereader 8.0 activation code free download. Start: Enter Catacombs Level 5, search for a cross-shaped room which has inside a stand that holds the Book of Blood, and read it.
Task: Put on the Blood Pedestal all 3 Bloodstones, 2 are in the newly opened rooms on the left / right side, then face the Risen Hero.
End: When the Risen Hero is defeated.

- Unique body armor Arkaine's Valor (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare body armor (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 6, search for a small square enclosure with a nearby stand that holds the Mythical Book, and read it.
Task: Take a newly opened path to The Chamber of Bone, here a horned demon, Ormlos the Impaler guards a tome in the last room.
End: When The Ancient Tome is read.

- +1 level Guardian Spell (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Halls of the Blind

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 7, search for an eight-shaped room with a nearby stand that holds the Book of the Blind, and read it.
Task: Go into the newly opened eight-shaped room to face Hazeshifter and his hidden minions, all of which turn invisible while moving.
End: When Hazeshifter is defeated.

- Unique amulet Optic Amulet (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare amulet (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 8, search for a room with Library Tomes, a Bookcase and a mage, Zhar the Mad, and speak with him.
Task: Touch the Bookcase in Zhar the Mad's room to steal a SpellBook and infuriate him, he will turn hostile and you have to face him.
End: When Zhar the Mad is defeated.

- (From the speech before he turns hostile) SpellBook (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare staff (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Horazon's Sanctum

Start: Enter Catacombs Level 8, search for 3 Spell Tomes to read in order (N/E/W) so a path opens up, and read the Arcane Tome.
Task: Use the telepad above the Arcane Tome to reach Horazon's Sanctum, here at the end of a path you find 2 adjacent rooms, one has the Creature of Flame Tome and if you read it you can face an elemental, and the other room has a Tome of Knowledge and a mage you can face, Cibinensis the Charlatan. At the end of the other path you'll find Horazon's Journal and an entrance into The Pit where you can face Doomlock. Then use another telepad to go back up to Horazon's Sanctum, read a Book of Names that's near a circle of binding to free Grimspike and face him. Upon his defeat The Summoner appears, and if you touch him he becomes hostile and you can face him.
End: When The Summoner is defeated.

- (If you follow the order and defeat The Summoner last) +1 level Golem Spell
(Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Caves Level 9, search for a Fungal Tome and take it to Adria. OPTIONAL: search for and touch the Slain Hero's body.
Task: Find a Mushroom Patch, take a Black Mushroom and bring it to Adria. Then speak with Pepin and bring him any Demon's Brain.
End: After you take the Spectral Elixir to Adria. (OR if you just drink it, she'll let you keep it anyway)

- +3 to all base Attributes (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)
- OPTIONAL: Rare weapon based on your character.

The Anvil of Fury

Start: Enter Caves Level 10 and return in town to speak with Griswold.
Task: Search for the Anvil of Fury on a peninsula surrounded by lava, be wary that if you approach it the Smith attacks. (Telekinesis?)
End: Return to town and take the Anvil of Fury back to Griswold.

- Crafting + Unique sword The Griswold's Edge (Normal Difficulty)
- Crafting + Rare sword (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Caves Level 11 and return in town to speak with Gillian.
Task: Search the NW of town for a entrance into the Underground Passage, which leads to Forest's Edge where you'll face Andariel.
End: After Andariel is defeated, return to town and speak again with Gillian.

- Unique amulet Maiden's Broach (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare amulet (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

The Island of the Sunless Sea

Start: Enter Caves Level 12 and return in town to speak with Farnham.
Task: Search Caves Level 12 for a chamber with 4 stones to step in order (S/N/E/W) so a path into Island of The Sunless Sea opens. Here you must find and touch all 8 Corrupted Flames so that Samael The Deadspeaker appears near the statue, and you can face him.
End: When Samael the Deadspeaker is defeated.

- 5 spendable Attribute Points (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Caves Level 12 and return in town to speak with Tremain.
Task: Search Hell Level 13 for the balrog Fleshdoom, slay him and return in town to speak with Tremain who asks you to bring him Shadowfang. Then search Hell Level 14 for a room with a lever and 3 stones to step in order (LEVER/MIDDLE/RIGHT/LEFT/LEVER). Now use the telepad to go to the River of Flame where you'll face Hephasto the Armorer, who upon defeat drops his Hellforge Hammer.
End: After you place Shadowfang on the Hellforge Anvil and strike it with the Hellforge Hammer.

- Unique mace Lightforge (Normal Difficulty)
- (based on character class) Rare weapon (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Lost Treasure

Start: Enter Hell Level 13 and return in town to speak with Wirt.
Task: Pick up and read the Tresure Map to open a path into the Secret Tunnel which is filled with poisonous vipers. Blow your way into the Soulstone Chamber and face the 3 mages, Astrologer Amarlic, Deadcaller Xuchotl and Bloodmage Aratus. Also step on the 4 stones from each corner room so that Sergius the Heretic appears and you have to face him twice, the 2nd time along with the 3 mages revived.
End: When all 4 mages are defeated and the last one drops the Symbol of the Abandoned God.

- +3 to all base Attributes (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Hell Level 13, search for 2 burning crucifixes near a stand that holds the Steel Tome, and read it.
Task: The path into Hell Level 14 is now accessible, yet guarded by Steel Lord knights and the Warlord of Blood, which you must face.
End: When the Warlord of Blood is defeated.

- 6 racks with random quality items, 4 weapons and 2 armor pieces
(Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Izual, the Fallen Angel

Start: Enter Hell Level 15 and return in town to speak with Gillian.
Task: Search Hell Level 15 for a room with 12 barrels in the middle, cast Town Portal and go in a portal to the Temple of the Damned. Here you have to pull 2 skull levers and face the overlord Arch Rector Reppochssarg, who upon defeat will drop the Temple's Keystone. Then you must take the Temple's Keystone and place it on the Grim Pedestal so that the path to Izual opens, and you have to face him.
End: After Izual is defeated, return to town and speak again with Gillian.

- Unique sword Azurewrath (Normal Difficulty)
- (based on character class) Rare weapon (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Hell Level 15 and search for a blood knight, Lachdanan, to speak with. (OR pick up the Golden Elixir from Hell Level 16)
Task: Search Hell Level 16 for a Golden Elixir found on the ground and take to Lachdanan, to free him from King Leoric's dark curse.
End: After Lachdanan's soul is saved from damnation.

- Unique head gear Vail of Steel (Normal Difficulty)
- Rare head gear (Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Archbishop Lazarus

Start: Enter Hell Level 16, search for a Vile Stand that holds the Staff of Lazarus and take it to Cain.
Task: Search Hell Level 16 for a portal to the Unholy Altar, read the 2 Vile Tomes, return to the telepad and face Archbishop Lazarus.
End: When Archbishop Lazarus is defeated.

- Opens the passage into Terror's Domain (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Start: Enter Hell Level 16 and go in a portal to the Unholy Altar, open a large chest, pick up the Map of the Stars and take it to Cain.
Task: After entering Terror's Domain you have 1 hour to defeat Diablo before he reaches full power. And you don't want that, trust me.
End: When Diablo is defeated. (OR fail if 1 hour passes, and Diablo is almost impossible to beat, but restarting a game resets the timer)

- Fair fight with Diablo (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)


Diablo 2 Lod Inventory Mod

Start: After Archbishop Lazarus is defeated return in town and talk to Cain.
Task: In the North room of Terror's Domain if you step on 4 stones you can face Doomlord Gam'ar, when he is defeated the East room opens and you can face Bloodlord the Destroyer, when he is defeated the West room opens and you can face Benedict the Black. Here in the West room if you touch the 3 Crucified Skeletons the South room opens and you can finally face The Lord of Terror, Diablo.
End: After Diablo is defeated, touch Prince Albrecht, get the Soulstone and right-click it. (OR keep it in personal inventory till next game)

- Completion of the current difficulty level (Normal/Nightmare/Hell/Torment Difficulty)

Tchernobog v0.2.0b - SpellBlade

Noktis Published on Jan 24, 2021

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.2.0b containing new Character Class - SpellBlade has been released and added to the download section.

Note: Character wipe! Old ones won't work!

Tchernobog v0.2.0e was released

Tchernobog v0.1.6g

Noktis Published on Dec 1, 2020

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.1.6g has been released and added to the download section.

#Tchernobog 0.1.6d - 0.1.6g

  • MOVED SAVES FROM C:UsersyourusernameDocumentsDiablo 1 Tchernobog TO GAME FOLDER!
  • Fixed the 'ZeroTier detected' message - now it should only appear when it detects ZeroTier, not ALWAYS like before.
  • Added support for 'patch_rt.mpq' - you can add japanese voice pack or other memes.
  • Animated mana/heath orbs - settings for them in config.txt
    Orb animation created by https://www.instagram.com/nikolaypopovz/
  • Updated game libraries to the latest version.
  • Added a timestamp to crash memory dumps.
  • Allowed accessing player level/character class and info if item is identified or not to loot filters (replace your lootFilter/global.lua with new one).
  • Added '/respec' command - YES! Stat respec! But it's not free, resets ALL spells to level 0 too.
  • Assassin's damage bonus for having one hand free increases from 25% to 125%.
  • Golem doesn't open doors anymore.
  • Fully restore hp/mana after restarting in town.
  • Buffed hoarder's loot a bit
    • if books are the loot (25% chance), then there's 10% chance to drop a recipe instead of a book - applies to multiple books!
    • qlvl of other items dropped by hoarders is increased by 3
  • disable casting lvl 0 spells.
  • show map's qlvl in top right corner - map qlvl is used for generating items from chests/racks.
  • reset hotkeys on respec.
  • reset hotkey if a spell reaches lvl 0.
  • add showing qlvl to set/unique items while holding shift.
  • explanation to item generation qlvl formula:
    • the input to the formula is map qlvl for chests/racks or monster qlvl for monsters.
    • min value is (qlvl / 3) - 10; - the division is rounded down.
    • min value is forced to be in 1-25 range.
    • max value is qlvl.
    • max value is forced to be above or equal to 6.
    • the qlvl of the final item is a random value between min and max.
    • an example for lvl 133 monster.
      • min = (133 / 3) - 10 = 44.33 - 10 = 34.33 - rounded down = 34.
      • 34 exceeds the min qlvl range (1-25) so it gets reduced to 25.
      • max qlvl is 133.
      • items can have qlvl in 25-133 range
        That way you can figure out what's the min monster lvl that can drop the unique/set item you want.
  • fix assassin damage bonus (was only on character sheet earlier), now it works properly
  • move map qlvl label from top right corner to top left - after map name
  • move 'restart in town' menu option to top of the menu to avoid accidentally pressing 'new game'

Tchernobog v0.1.6c

Noktis Published on Aug 18, 2019

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.1.6c has been released and added to the download section.

Tchernobog version 0.1.6 - 0.1.6c

  • Disabled trading - it could cause crashes or even corrupt character!
  • Added keeping all backups of characters - if something goes wrong, you always have a copy!
  • Added displaying a timer on online list - now you know when the list is going to refresh.
  • Added displaying 'EMPTY' if the list is empty. Yes, it works, it's just empty.
  • Internal code cleanups - memory leaks.
  • Added displaying 'ZeroTier detected ' message below IP if ZeroTier IP is available.
  • Critical hotfix for characters getting corrupted in 0.1.6!
  • Floating numbers.
  • Fixed some crashes in rendering.
  • Revived Gargoyles now properly follow the owner.
  • Revived Gargoyles don't flee anymore when injured.
  • Revived Gargoyles do not enter stone form anymore.
  • Revived Gargoyles no longer play 'exit stone form' animation when acquiring their first target.
  • Raise Zombie skill description updated.
  • Raise Skeleton skill description updated.
  • Revive skill description updated.
  • Added an option to turn floating numbers on/off (off by default).

Tchernobog v0.1.5f

Noktis Published on May 8, 2019

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.1.5f has been released and added to the download section.

Tchernobog version 0.1.5a - 0.1.5f

  • Can't join your own games anymore.
  • Added missing tier/class description to 'Warrior's weapon' recipe
  • New boss modifier - 'Hoarder' - randomly chooses 1 out of 4 loot types for his loot - rings/books/weapons/armors. If books are chosen, he has increased chance to drop recipes.
  • New boss modifier - 'Sage' - killing it grants all players bonus 50% experience for 5 minutes (Experience shrine effect)
  • New boss modifier - 'Highborn' - increased level by 20%
  • 'Greedy' monsters will have a green halo
  • 'Sage' monsters will have a light-blue halo
  • 'Hoarder' monsters will have an orange halo
  • 'Highborn' monsters will have a yellow halo
  • Added new unique monsters - be the first one to find them!
  • Greedy affix works as behemoth + mastery combined in terms of monster power (Be afraid!)
  • Dead revived were sometimes highlighted in green - fixed
  • Summoned minions have different leash distances depending on dungeon type
  • Item outline color matches the label color
  • Outline colors have been made less transparent
  • Option to disable highlighting outlines of all items while seeing all labels (holding alt or pressed ctrl)
  • Added missing tier/class description to Harbinger's Ring recipe.
  • Disabled exe optimizations - this increases exe size to ~5mb and it might run a bit slower than before - optimizations will be turned on again when known crashes get fixed
  • Added option to disable highlighting corpses for necromancer
  • Highlighting corpses and minions settings aren't saved in the character like other settings. They always reset to true after game restart. Anything else would result in corrupting existing characters.
  • Almost fully fixed revived scavengers attacking empty tile (still needs some work)
  • Minions that belong to other players are also displayed ignoring line of sight.
  • Players can see games from all versions on online list. However you can only connect to the same version as yours.
  • Inactive games are marked with '*' from the left side. Games with a version that doesn't match with yours will be marked with '*' from the right side.
  • Examples:
    • *<IP> = inactive game
    • *<IP>* - inactive game that didn't match your version
    • <IP>* - an active game that doesn't match your version
    • <IP> - an active game that matches your version
  • Fixing online list in game after changing Tchernobog's ZeroTier network.
  • Some crashes will generate CRITICAL_ERROR_CONTACT_QNDEL.txt file. You know what to do with it.
  • Fixed a crash caused by pasting pictures/other weird data into chat
  • Bigger crash logs (200~mb), please compress with zip or winrar and upload to some website (For example: https://uploadfiles.io/) and send to Qndel!
  • Drawing living monsters is prioritized over drawing dead monsters (Should fix invisible monsters)
  • Unfreeze on death
  • Insanity gets removed on death
  • Unfreeze on changing levels
  • Improving crash logs
  • Fixed showing uptime on online list
  • Games considered inactive will be marked with '*' on the list (happens if a game doesn't answer in 30 seconds)
  • Hopefully fixed a random crash while joining games
  • Additional recipe info should be displayed on recipes too, not only in crafting menu.

Tchernobog v0.1.5

Noktis Published on May 4, 2019

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.1.5 has been released and added to the download section.

Tchernobog version 0.1.4 - 0.1.5

  • 32bit/Windows XP support
  • Online game list - shows active games in ZeroTier Tchernobog network.
  • Generating crash logs - Whenever the game crashes, TCHERNOBOGCRASHLOG-(version name).dmp file will be created in tchernobog folder. Send it to Qndel!
  • Monster level was showing wrong values before - fixed
  • Reduced monster hp gain in multiplayer from 200% per player to 120% - this wasn't working - fixed
  • Fixed crash with necromancers leaving the game
  • Fixed a bug with golem highlighting corpses
  • Minions are always visible (ignoring line of sight)
  • Fixed a bug with lowering monster levels for 1 player
  • Renamed espandon to espadon (Apparently espandon is an item in diablo 2, but the real life sword was called espadon, so I'll go with that)
  • Fixed long swords and claymores upgrading into wrong item types (As a side effect of this fix, all existing espadons will turn into battle swords and battle swords into espadons)
  • Fixed blocking arrows and spells (Didn't block any damage before)
  • Fixed displaying incorrect magic find values on player list before a player loaded in game
  • Shortened class names in player list to prevent mute/hostile buttons from covering magic find
  • Added tier and recommended class to recipe names
  • Added 5 new recipes - qlvls 86,88,90,92,94.
  • Number of players increases monster levels (and therefore the max qlvl of items they can drop) - every additional player increases the level by 5%.
  • Fix for cutscenes freezing the game - if you are one of the few people that get that bug, ask the host to turn the movies off.
  • Trang-Oul set renamed to Trag'Oul
  • Corpse explosion removes corpses
  • Whenever necromancer equips a skill that uses corpses, corpses on screen will get highlighted
  • Only highlights corpses that your current skill can use
  • Highlighting friendly minions
  • Trag'Oul's helm now gives hit points instead of mana
  • Reduced monster hp gain in multiplayer from 200% per player to 120%
  • Increased bonus items in multiplayer from 0.1 per player to 0.33 per player
  • Ability to turn highlighting minions on or off in the settings
  • Raise Zombie changed:
    • Spell base duration increased to 75 seconds (it was 60)
    • Zombies max quantity raised to 15 [as it was in Belzebub]
    • Zombies gain extra damage via character's strength
    • Zombies gain extra to hit via character's dexterity
    • Zombies gain extra armor class via character's dexterity
  • Revive skill design changed:
    • Revived max quantity raised to 15 [as it was in Belzebub]
    • Revived gain extra damage bonus via character's strength
    • Revived gain extra to hit bonus via character's dexterity
    • Revived are now full minions and follow you through the levels
    • Revived Normal monsters are revived permanently
    • Revived Champion monsters remain timed
    • Revived Champion monsters duration is affected by both character level and character's vitality
    • Revived target scan redesigned so that they won't wander the whole level in search of target but rather stay with you.
  • Raise Skeleton changed:
    • Skeletons max quantity raised to 15 [as it was in Belzebub]
    • Skeletons now gain extra min-max damage via character's strength
    • Skeletons now gain extra Armor Class and To Hit via character's dexterity
    • Necromancer Zombies, Skeletons and Revived will no longer teleport to you when you cast phasing and teleport. They will, however, warp to you when they are too far.
    • Revived monsters gain resistance penetration - 1 resistance per 10 magic.
  • Added the ability to change displayed names/colors to loot filters
  • Minor fix for hidden shrine
  • Moved loot filter files to /lootFilter folder
  • Added 1 second cooldown between LUA messages to prevent spamming and locking the game
  • Renamed rejuvanation -> rejuvenation
  • lootFilter.lua - ability to decide which loot gets shown - press V to disable loot filter, press V again to enable it.
  • Loot filter is enabled by default but contains 0 filters. Info how to add custom filters and enable the default ones is available in lootFilter.lua
  • Fixed wrong lightning resist shrine description
  • Fixed MF on player list - it only displays MF of the players on the same level
  • Fixed lightning enchanted monsters spawning charged bolts in 8 directions but player seeing only south wave.
  • Added displaying monster level above health bar - it indicates the max possible loot qlvl.
  • To check qlvl of items, check https://mod.diablo.noktis.pl and unique/set items (There might be slight differences between the website and Tchernobog)
  • OR use Technoborg bot on discord - his data is always up to date.
  • New Boss modifier - greedy - monster drops additional 3 items and all items are dropped with magic find increased by 1000.
  • It also increases monster's armor and health like behemoth modifier.
  • Tweaked minimap zooming in/out (+/- on numeric keypad, use arrows to move it) - The map can be made smaller than before.
  • Hidden shrine fixed (Used to increase current durability of all items - now it increases max durability of all items by 5 while decreasing max durability of a random item by 5)

Tchernobog v0.1.3d

Diablo 2 Inventory Mod 1.14d

Noktis Published on Apr 15, 2019

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.1.3d has been released and added to the download section.

Tchernobog version 0.1.3b - 0.1.3d

  • Disabled gold drop on death
  • Lost treasure chests can only be opened after 5 min in game.
  • Magic find is shown on player list.
  • Aldur's Rythm -> Aldur's Rhythm.
  • Fixed Aldur's set transformation's attack speed. (Goatman's attack speed was much slower than player's).
  • Aldur's set attack speed with bow is a bit faster than rogue's (fastest bow attacker) and with mace is a little bit faster than barbarian's (fastest club attacker)
  • Internal code cleanups.
  • Renamed: Archanid Mesh -> Arachnid Mesh, Vizierei Wisdom -> Vizjerei Wisdom, Greyscull set -> Greyskull, 'addonational' -> 'additional' in experience shrine.
  • Elemental damage on melee/ranged weapons can now crit.
  • DPS on character sheet now shows correct values. (Thanks to adding crit to elemental damage).
  • Raise Zombie's base life span increased from 16 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • Zombies now follow you through rooms and levels.
  • A way to list active tchernobog games on discord (See #zerotier-network on discord) https://discord.gg/82BaSAP
  • Upgraded discord online list (Shows number of players in game / difficulty / player name / class / level).
Diablo 2 Inventory Mod

Tchernobog v0.1.3

Noktis Published on Apr 2, 2019

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.1.3 has been released and added to the download section. You can also join the discord server https://discord.gg/82BaSAP

Tchernobog version 0.1.2b to 0.1.3

  • Displaying min/max values next to set/unique item stats while holding shift. Max values are colored green and min values red. If stat is equal to maximum value, the whole line will be colored green, if minimum, red.
  • Fixed staff of heal other/telekinesis not losing charges.
  • Fixed a typo in main menu
  • Blazing/volcanic/sparking/charged/freezing/glacial/brilliant/radiant recipes fixed.
  • Character sheet displaying individual Magic Find in town and total in dungeon

Tchernobog v0.1.2b

Noktis Published on Mar 30, 2019

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0. 1.2a has been released and added to the download section. I also like to announce that Qndel and Ogodei has joined the team. See the release notes below

Tchernobog version 0.1.1 to 0.1.2b

  • Fixed one of probably many poisoned water supply errors
  • Fixed Pepin crashing the game when opening the shop window
  • Fixed magic find.
    This is a chart that shows how it increases chance to obtain unique/set/rare/magic items. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UTDA_ynwVyeNZyHJBPhviucI7JDbP6Ix6kGeF0Aw6yQ/edit#gid=34252121
    Magic find has 50% chance to trigger when an item drops.
    This is how group magic find is calculated:
    - Magic find has 50% chance to trigger when an item drops.
    - This is how group magic find is calculated:
    - Magic find of players on the dungeon level where the item dropped gets sorted in descending order.
    - Total MF value starts with being 0.
    - Highest magic find gets added to it, then second highest/2, third highest/3 and so on.
    - This prevents people from getting absurdly high MF values while being in a group while still being a gain
    during playing with other people.
  • Fixed barbarians whrilwind attack interval
  • Reduced amount of hit points boss monsters gain each difficulty level
  • Rogue's mana cost of skills has been reduced
  • Warrior's mana cost of skills has been reduced
  • Assassin's mana cost of skills has been reduced
  • Rogue's bow attack damage calculation has been restored to pre 0.1.0 version
  • Internal changes

Tchernobog v0.1.0 Test

Noktis Published on Mar 11, 2017

Diablo 2 Bigger Inventory Mod

Test version of Tchernobog v0.1.0 has been added to the download section in which many bugs have been fixed. You can find the changelog for version 0.1.0 below.

Tchernobog version 0.1.0
  • Fixed bug that caused weapon to disapear
  • Fixed bug that proevent secondary weaponset from being affected by repair all and recharge all npc services
  • Fixed crash related to golem or other minion death
  • Fixed game freeze that could occur on multiple reasons
  • Fixed bug that caused player to apear at top of the map when loading level
  • Fixed potential combat related crash
  • Fixed spell visual effects disapearing too early
  • Fixed monster animation desynchronization
  • Fixed monster AI to be act better on higher resolutions
  • Fixed bug that prevented to correctly consume spell charges and scrolls
  • Fixed bug that prevented affixes on random unique monsters
  • Fixed spell level glitch related to shirnes
  • Fixed whrilwind skill bugs
  • Fixed player and trade stash sizes and crash
  • Fixed GUI message box glitch while using NPC services
  • Fixed functional key skill bind crash
  • Fixed elixirs duration displayed in tooltip
  • Fixed grammar in several item names
  • Fixed long sword and claymore order problems
  • Fixed magic and cold damage bonuses from set items
  • Fixed errors related to random unique monster names and AI
  • Fixed bug that caused revived monsters revived by necromancers to be hostile towards player
  • Fixed bug that caused killed revived monsters to remain on minimap
  • Fixed diabolic shrine glitches that could spawn monster with undefined behaviour
  • Fixed bug that caused rogue's multiple shot arrows to be placed too close to each other
  • Fixed the dark lord death animation issues
  • Fixed traps to properly effect players and monsters
  • Fixed Thaumaturgic shrine to not respawn objects other then chests
  • Fixed lightning damage per character level bonus on unique items
  • Fixed wrong gold stack icon being selected while picking up pile
  • Fixed bug related to billing for repair, recharge and identify shop operations
  • Fixed statistic calculations for champion monsters
  • Fixed Assassins Narcosis skill to not reset The Dark Lord and similary scripted monsters
  • Fixed object mouse on hover selection range in town
  • Fixed bug that allowed The skeleton king to use corpse explosion on normal difficulty
  • Fixed bug that caused visited parts of map to disapear after reentering zone
  • Fixed bug that caused warrior, rogue and assassin skill to be free
  • Fixed glitch that caused player using melee and ranged skills to spam 'OOM' sound
  • Fixed bug that blocked hot keyed skill swap while holding mouse button
  • Fixed map events desynchronization
  • Fixed bug that caused summoned monsters to be killed by some of the special monsters
  • Improved bonuses of barbarian, warrior and assassin classes from strength and dexterity attributes
  • Barbarian physical strength and endurance are now greatly increased at cost of being unable to use spells that consume mana
  • Warrior's charge is now level 24 skill
  • Warrior's shield wall is now level 32 skill
  • Necromancer's blood ritual is now level 16 skill and it's bonuses has been toned down
  • Necromancer's corpse explosion is now level 24 skill
  • Necromancer's revive is now level 32 skill
  • Adjusted necromancer minions balance
  • Golem, Zombie and Skeleton summons will now start with better resistances
  • Monster repulse effects from enchancements now have short cooldown
  • Players will now enter town with full health and mana
  • Removed feature that allowed to cast repair, recharge and identify spells when clicking inside inventory
  • Enabled Torment difficulty level
  • Summonable and minion monsters are now only selectable when appropriate spell is selected
  • Changed the flow of Butcher related quests
  • Adjusted offset of Hammer icon cursor used while repairing
  • Regular unique monsters may only have one affix
  • Restored function of CTRL key
  • Heal other cannot be used to heal caster player anymore
  • Guardian spell now properly benefits from it's level rather then firebolt
  • Modified resistances and immunities of monsters and bosses
  • Monster immunity should be easier to remove with target resistances reducing items [125% cap]
  • Reduced number of required materials for lower level recipies
  • Adjusted monster spawn locations in Terrors Domain level
  • The Dark Lord has been slightly toned down but gained mechanic that will disintegrate players using run away tactics
  • Character saves are now protected from file write system failures.