Angry Goy Ii Download Game

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Bnow.acked by Christopher Cantwell, the white supremacist infamous for his role in last year's far-right rally in Charlottesville, Angry Goy II, available to download on the website for Cantwell's Radical Agenda podcast.

  1. 1 day ago  Warning: This game is completely satire, not to be taken seriously. You have to be angry at what is going on, don’t let these weaklings and psychopaths stop you from feeling anger about what is happening to our people. 292 Views Load more. Angry Goy 2 Complete Play through. 2 Views AngryGoyJ.
  2. Songs change every 3 minutes.

The game allows users to play as Cantwell or fellow alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer itosave President Donald Trump, who has been kidnapped by “left-wing terrorists”.

One of the game’s levels involves shooting people inside a gay club called “LGBTQ+ Agenda HQ” and recreate the Pulse nightclub mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, in June 2016 when 49 people were killed.

Another mission involves killing journalists inside the offices of the “Fake News Network,' a reference to the term Trump uses to attack media organisations such as CNN.

Angry Goy II is the season’s hit game for White males who have had it with Jewish bullshit. Instead of taking out your frustrations on actual human beings, you can fight the mongrels and degenerates on your computer! Angry Goy II is the season’s hit game for White males who have had it with Jewish bullshit.

Of course, it is Cantwell we are talking about here who famously blubbed when he discovered he might be arrested in the wake of the deadly Unite The Right rally, has been promoting the game on his podcast’s web page.

Angry Goy Ii Download Game

It does also mean that while White Neo-Nazi nut jobs are playing the game ,they are at least not doing the real thing.

“Angry Goy II is the season’s hit game for White males who have had it with Jewish bullshit”, Cantwell wrote.

“Instead of taking out your frustrations on actual human beings, you can fight the mongrels and degenerates on your computer!”

Cantwell is also plugging it on social media site Gab, the infamous platform used by the far-right which was temporarily shut down after it was revealed the alleged Tree of Life Synagogue gunman posted on it before killing 11 in Pittsburgh.

Angry Goy Ii Download Game Jolt

A spokesperson for the charity Community Security Trust, which fights anti-Semitism, said: “It may sound like a pathetic example of race hate, but this is actually a deep incitement to commit murders inside gay clubs, synagogues and other targets far-right hatred. We are all familiar with the reality of mass shootings at such locations, which makes this so-called game even more dangerous and stomach turning.”

Angry Goy Ii Download Game Iso


The game, which is attributed to “Wheel Maker Studios,” is a sequel to the original Angry Goy game that appeared online last year.

Angry Goy Download Game

The game featured a neo-Nazi who decides to murder black people, Jews and refugees after hearing how “six million” immigrants have arrived in Europe.

YouTube has banned a promotional video for the game because it breaches its race hate policies.

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The graphics and gameplay is somewhat limited because it has been designed by, and for the use of those, who lack opposable thumbs.